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爱你的,约翰 Love you, John

标签:妈妈 杰克 约翰 不会 老爸  日期:2015-12-17
Christmas tree

Every year, Charlie has a row with his father about the Christmas tree, his father always said too expensive, do not want to buy.
今年圣诞节又到了,查理的老爸实在被他吵得头疼,于是提起斧子出了门。过了一刻钟,老爸扛着一棵大个的圣诞树回来了。查理高兴地大叫起来,“老爸,你真了不起,才花一刻钟就砍了这么大的一棵树回来! ”
This Christmas again, Charlie's father was he really noisy, so he lifted the door. After a quarter of an hour, my father came back with a large tree.. Charlie shouted with joy. "Dad, you are amazing, just spend a quarter of a tree back and cut so large a tree back!"
Dad patted his head and said, "silly boy, felling which is so fast, I was brought back from the market."
Charlie asked: "don't you think you don't want to buy?"
Dad said: "did not see me with an ax?"

The Beanstalk

某日,杰克捡到了三颗魔豆,于是高高兴兴的回家跟爸爸说:“爸!你看,我捡到了三颗魔豆! ”
One day, Jack picked up three beans, so happily home with the father said: "dad! You see, I picked up three beans!"
杰克的老爸就顺手拿起一颗魔豆在手上瞧啊瞧的,可是看来看去,觉得跟普通碗豆长得一模一样,就以为杰克在骗他。于是,很生气的拿起那颗碗豆往地上用力一摔,骂了声:“FUCKYOU! ”
Jack's dad picked up a beans in the hand look ah look, but it looked, feel looks exactly the same with the ordinary peas, thought Jack was cheating him. So, very angry, picked up the heart of peas to the ground fall forcibly, scold a voice: "FUCKYOU!"
The room was full without the thought of touching it....
杰克他老爸吓到了,马上拿起第二颗魔豆往地上丢,并且叫:“通通不见!! ”
His father Jack was frightened, immediately picked up the second beans to drop, and asked: "but not all!!"
So "touch" a sound, but did not see, but as if even Jack and his father was ne.
这时杰克的老爸更急了,拿起第三颗魔豆往地上丢,叫了声:“一人一支! ”
When Jack's father is more anxious, picked up third beans to the ground lost, cried: "one person, one!"
"Touch", Jack and his dad are back. Just as they were in that time, the kitchen came Jack's mother's screams...

Mother always knows

John asked her mother to eat dinner, dinner, mother again and again to notice and John live female roommate Julie is very beautiful, and I think two people of eye contact is also unusual, she was suspicious of the relationship between two people is really only a roommate. John found mom's idea, so active mother tiaoming. "I know you think Oh, but I can assure you, Julie and I are pure and simple roommate, absolutely nothing else."
A week later, Julie ran to John and said: "since your mother to eat dinner, I've been unable to me the silver spoon. Do you think she would take it away? "
John said: "do not know, but, don't worry, let me deal with this matter."
So he wrote the letter to his mother.:
Dear mom, I'm not say you from here, I 'take' a silver spoon, I wouldn't say you 'no take' a silver spoon. But one thing that everyone noticed is that when you eat dinner here, there is something missing..

Love you, John

A few days later, mother's reply came:
Dear son, I won't say you sleep with Julie, and I won't say you're sleeping with Julie.. But there is one thing we have noticed, and that is if she is really to sleep in my own bed, she would have found the silver spoon.
I love you, mom.


Prepare a flashlight

Son before ing to bed, the mother said: Mom, give me the flashlight."
"To play flashlight doing?"
"Not playing, I went black, see."

Portrait of d

5 years old Harry lying on a piece of paper, is dedicated to use a pencil on what is painted above.
What do you draw? Harry." Mother asked him.
"I'm painting d.." He's not even carrying his head, and he replied.
"But no one knows what d is like?" Mother added.
"I draw it out, you don't know.."

This is not true

The little boy put a bird crow catching home.
"What do you capture?" The mother asked at the table..
"The scientists say that the crow can live for 300 years and I want to verify that this is not true.
"What a mean, do you want to live 300 years?"
"The scientist who said this was 300 years old?"