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Not Afraid of ghosts 不怕鬼

标签:儿子 这里 好不容易 不怕  日期:2018-02-15
"不怕鬼周末,儿子好奇心切,眨眼跑得没影子,阿牛心急如焚,好不容易才在一尊弥勒佛背后找到儿子,阿中吓唬儿子道,“这里鬼多,” 儿子拍手笑了,“我才不怕鬼呢,婶婶是小气

This weekend, o son of a thousand Buddha caves ". "visit Curiously, the son can blink run no shadow. ANiu worried, very not easy to find pleasure in a behind the son. O son of scaring way: "here, don't run demons." Son clap and smiled: "I am not afraid ghost! You always scold old ghost, mom's grandmother's uncle is heavy smoker, crack-hemp, aunt is stingy... I every day and demons, still use fear?"


周末,阿中领着儿子游览“千佛洞”。儿子好奇心切,眨眼跑得没影子。阿牛心急如焚,好不容易才在一尊弥勒佛背后找到儿子。阿中吓唬儿子道:“这里鬼多,可别乱跑。” 儿子拍手笑了:“我才不怕鬼呢!你常骂奶奶是老鬼,妈妈是死鬼,叔叔是烟鬼,婶婶是小气鬼……我天天跟鬼在一块,还用怕吗?”