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Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?

标签:飞机 汽车 以为 船上 上船  日期:2018-02-14
I am the driver. he said.你以为你是谁?公共汽车上很挤,,乘客们不让他上,你以为你是谁,飞机,飞机,飞机,飞机,上飞机等,请上船[飞机

Who do you think you are?
  The bus was crowded, and as one more man tried to get on, the passengers wouldn’t let him aboard.

  It is too crowded, they shouted. who do you think you are?
  I am the driver. he said.


A note:
aboard: adv.在船(飞机、车)上, 上船(飞机、车)prep.在(船、飞机、车)上, 上(船、飞机、车).
on board:到船上, 在船上
aboard: 上船 (上飞机等)
All aboard! 请上船[飞机、车],都上来!