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A Silly Father 傻爸爸

标签:儿子 看电 先生 耳光 怀特  日期:2018-01-21
my grandpa just now slapped me in the face. Hearing that,You beat my son and I dare to beat yours.怀特先生在房间里看电视,他八岁的儿子走进来哭着说,爸爸,刚才爷爷打了我一耳光,怀特先生听了非常生气,突然

Mr. White was watching TV when his eight-year-old son came into the room. He cried, Father, my grandpa just now slapped me in the face. Hearing that, Mr. White became very
angry. And then he suddenly boxed his own ears heavily and said, You beat my son and I dare to beat yours.

