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One Side of the Case 一面之辞

标签:一个 我们 法官 有人 加入  日期:2018-01-14
and one man raised his hand.一位法官问我们这群修补陪审员是否有人应当免权。一个人举起了手。," the man told the judge.“我的左耳听不见,”那人告诉法官," the judge asked. The man no

A judge asked our group of potential jurors whether anyone should be excused, and one man raised his hand.


"I can't hear out of my left ear," the man told the judge.


"Can you hear out of your right ear?" the judge asked. The man nodded his head.


"You'll be allowed to serve on the jury," the judge declared. "We only listen to one side of the case at a time."
