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Crossing the street 过马路

标签:为 可是 马路 水杯 咖啡杯  日期:2017-11-22
"" no ears.咖啡杯和水杯一起过马路,这个时候呢,,有位老爷爷就大叫“小心哦,现在是红灯,”可是过了一会呢,咖啡杯顺利的过了马路,可是水杯却被卡车撞得水流入注,请问为

Coffee cup and cup together across the road, this time, one will shout "caution: grandpa, now is red." But after a while, coffee cup smooth across the road, but the water has been trucks bump into water, excuse me, why? Because coffee cup, "" no ears.
