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标签:年轻人 不是 这么 修女 下  日期:2017-11-18


  1. A man and a young man in a store that sells wei song before a run up to each other, young said: "the old man's house, you are so big age, buy wei song what is the use?"


  The old man said, "young man, so young, with wei song, you are old?"

  2.色男去礼拜,见美貌修女,想调戏,被斥。 旁边一扫地老太太指点他:“你要爱她,可装成神父约她,一定成功。”

  2. Color men to worship, meet sister beauty, want to flirt, critique. Next to a sweeping old lady enlightened him: "you love her, but pretended to be a priest around her, must be successful."


  That night, the color man brought about nun mask out room.


  After proudly said his mask: "ha ha, I'm not a priest, I am a man of Dally with you during the day!"


  Nun also the masks said: "I am not a nun, I was sweeping the floor during the day the old lady!"